we all have up and down days
Sometimes we can be in a sea of people, and feel so lonely, or on the other hand, we could be alone, and not feel lonely at all. It sounds crazy, but I know what I mean. Like, I can be drowning in an ocean of people, and feel like I don't belong, or feel empty and so alone...but then there are times where, I am walking alone to catch my train, and I feel like I'm amongst friends.
We all have days when we can't stop smiling or laughing and all we want to do is have a great time and have fun and everything goes the way you planned. But we also have those days where, everything that could go wrong for you, does go wrong and all you want to do is sit on the cornor hugging your favourite teddy, hoping that the day will just end. We have all been there I know.... but we always tend to remember those days that are the saddest. I can't remember the last time I had so much fun that my face hurt from laughing too much, but I can say, it must have been at least a good few months ago. But, I can remember the last time I felt sad, or frustrated because everything that could go wrong did...and i totally made an eejit of myself - just a few weeks ago.
I tend to find, that most of the time, I have fun, but my face doesn't hurt from smiling...and things go the way I planned, but rarely. Want to make God laugh...tell Him your plans. I am usually happy, but not excited...and not depressed. I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future and I can take comfort in that. Just sometimes, I wish I did know some of what was going to happen in my life so that I could prepare myself. I guess I should prepare myself for many things incase they do happen.
God bless
girl in the single lane