single and waiting

Life in the single lane, is something most people experience at some point in their life. This is just my personal experience, that I thought I'd share with you all. Isaiah 40:31 "Those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weak"

Sunday, April 30, 2006

we all have up and down days

hey folks!
Sometimes we can be in a sea of people, and feel so lonely, or on the other hand, we could be alone, and not feel lonely at all. It sounds crazy, but I know what I mean. Like, I can be drowning in an ocean of people, and feel like I don't belong, or feel empty and so alone...but then there are times where, I am walking alone to catch my train, and I feel like I'm amongst friends.

We all have days when we can't stop smiling or laughing and all we want to do is have a great time and have fun and everything goes the way you planned. But we also have those days where, everything that could go wrong for you, does go wrong and all you want to do is sit on the cornor hugging your favourite teddy, hoping that the day will just end. We have all been there I know.... but we always tend to remember those days that are the saddest. I can't remember the last time I had so much fun that my face hurt from laughing too much, but I can say, it must have been at least a good few months ago. But, I can remember the last time I felt sad, or frustrated because everything that could go wrong did...and i totally made an eejit of myself - just a few weeks ago.

I tend to find, that most of the time, I have fun, but my face doesn't hurt from smiling...and things go the way I planned, but rarely. Want to make God laugh...tell Him your plans. I am usually happy, but not excited...and not depressed. I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future and I can take comfort in that. Just sometimes, I wish I did know some of what was going to happen in my life so that I could prepare myself. I guess I should prepare myself for many things incase they do happen.


God bless

girl in the single lane

Saturday, April 29, 2006

trying to fit in

hey all

Sometimes, we can be overwhelmed with lonliness and seek a partner, or turn to a subtance (ie drugs, alcohol...) for comfort. Well, we are looking in the wrong places, only God can give you the comfort you need. Trying to fit, is something drummed into our little minds by society, as a must, but I disagree. We are all individual people, so why not just be yourself instead of a clone of someone else? I mean, can you imagine everybody dressing the same, doing the same, and listening to the same music and believing the same?? That would be a very boring world!

I don't drink, do drugs or smoke, go to the dancing and I do not believe in sex before marriage... some say, I haven't lived. I say, I have!! Being different aint always easy, trust me, I know, I wrote the book... but I can't imagine my life any differently! If I did not do the things I have, I would not have learned from my mistakes, which brought me to where I am today.

Being different is a good thing, I think. Although, society will contradict that statement, fitting in isn't everything, especially in high school. Thousands of us live through high school being uncool, and survive coming out the other end, a successful student.

Stand up for what you believe always!


girl in the single lane

Friday, April 28, 2006

it's ok to feel sad

hey all you bloggers out there, how are you all doing??
Sometimes, I wonder, is it ok to be sad. I mean I have Christ to live for, and for that I should be happy and be joyful, and I am, don't be mislead here. Being a follower of Him is amazing, I couldn't even begin to describe the peace I have with Him. Things in this world though, will get you down, that's for sure, but it is how you deal with these difficult situations that helps you deal with your feelings.

Death is a comma, not a fullstop.

Without suffering there would be no compassion, I know, tell that to those who suffer right? Saddness can affect everything that you do, in fact, it most likely will. Try not let your mind be completely occupied with your sad thoughts, although this is easier said than done. You have to ask yourself, why are you feeling sad? Is it because of suffering that someone else is giong through, or are you just sad because you feel alone? You are never alone!Christ will always be with you no matter where you go!

smile because Jesus, the maker of heaven and earth who gave you life, loves you so much!!


girl in the single lane

using singleness to your advantage

hey all

Like I said before, I do often wonder if I would be doing half the things I am, if I wasn't single, and the answer I wouldn't. I think what my greatest comfort is the creation of Adam. Adam lived a time when he was single, during which he got to know God, named all the animals, and worked. God saw that the was a time when Adam needed a help mate, a partner. Adam didn't go searching for Eve, but was actually sleeping when she was created specifically for him. I mean how cool is that. God knows when you are going to need a help mate, but not only that, He has created that person, just for you, specifically for you. How exciting!!??!!

I know that being single aint always fun, but take advantage of this time because when you all get married, you will have very little time to yourself. With marriage you take on thousands of responsibilites, but not only that, you actually have to start thinking about someone else.

So, make the most of singleness, it truly is a gift.

peace out

girl in the single lane

Thursday, April 27, 2006

staying pure in a dirty world

hey all
how are you all today?? As I was preparing a bible study last night, I started thinking about the difficulties of staying pure in today's society. I mean, nowadays, it is so cool to sleep around and wear belts and calling them skirts. Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable about this? Unlikely. We live in a world that teaches us, to strive to fit in with the "cool" people, and to follow the poor example set by our celebs. Some role models!!
Skinny is in, they say, but what they actually mean, is if you ain't a size 8, you're ugly and not cool. How shallow!!

It doesn't matter what you look like, or how modestly you dress (the more modest, the better if you ask me) or what your waist size is, when you find the one you are supposed to be with, they will love you for you. They will love everything about you, your waist size, your fashion, your personality...everything! That's what true love is!

The media has polluted our minds into thinking we have to be skinny to be beautiful, well news flash, everyone is beautiful, because my God, doesn't make junk! He made us all, fearfully and wonderfully!!

But how does one keep oneself pure? Well, one has to seek God for guidence and help. But you can o some basic things, like, dress modestly, (what right do you have to cause your brother to sin?) set barriers that cannot be moved, when in a relationship, and use your head.


girl in the single lane

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

guarding your heart

From one singleton to another, just cheking in!!! I just wanted to share a little secret with you all out there. A year ago on the 19th of April, I bought my ring that I told you all about, but I also started someting else that day. Inspired my by Rebecca St James, I started writing letters to my husband on the 19th of April 2005. I wrote my first letter beginning like this

"My dearest husband"

It feels so weird writing a letter to someone praying daily for someone who I don't know if I've met yet. It's kinda cool thought too!! This is the guy that I am going to love upon meeting him, the guy I will look forward to seeing, the guy who I will think about everytime my phone goes in the hope that it is he, who is calling/texting. He is going to be the guy I do actaully grow old with, get married too, spend time in prayer with and go long walks on the beach with too!! How exciting!?!?!?!Let me tell you though, writing these letters and wearing this ring, work for me. My ring is a daily reminder of my promsie to both him, and to God more importantly, and that keeps me going! Waiting is never easy, but it will be worth it.

guard you heart
peace out

girl in the single lane

We all have a past

hey all
how are we all today? To all those single people out there, I've got news for you. We all have a past people, including me. I too, have had my fair share of bad, hurtful relationships; you think you know a person, and they turn out to be someone else. You think, yeh, ok he's the one, the one I will marry, and grow old with... and then, in the blink of an eye, it crashes and burns and blows up in your face. I know, I've been there, we all have. It is important though people, that we learn from these mistakes. My heartbreaking relationship has taught me so much, and has given me a different perspective on things. Although I didn't agree with dating before entering into courtship with this person.. I have also been shown the dangers of not setting boundaries which are mutually agreed.

Like I said, we all have our past, our past mistakes and our past merits...these are what make us who we are today, without these, we would not know what we do now.

Leave you past behind you and move on. Although you can't ever really forget it, and the hurt these people caused you, you can be strong and move on from them, and not let them ruin every relationship you will ever have.

The past is history, tomorrow's a mystery. Today's a gift, that's why it's called the present!!
take care you'all

girl in the single lane

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

feeling lonely

hey all you single folk out there, just a note to say, you are not alone. Feeling lonely is something which hits us all at some stage in our lives, but it's how we deal with it, that shows people how we feel. I believe that being single is a gift, a precious gift from our Lord. I think about all the things I do for God and wonder, would I be able to do these things, if I were not single? It's unlikely. As a University Student, my mind is focused on course work (most of the time) during semester time, but these long holidays, are a killer. All these girlie chick flicks with happy endings (you know the ones), make you wish that you had someone. Well, you can. Your maker is your husband!! He will never leave you, and will love you know matter what. How many of us can actually relate that to someone else you know? I know my earthly father will never leave me and will love me always, but this is a different kind of love.

You may have worked out that I dont' agree with dating. I wear a Purity ring which says "I'll Wait" which is a vow to my husband, whoever he may be, that I will wait for him. Someimes it feels like I'm wating for rain in a drought, but hey, patience!! I know it's hard, but keep at it. He'll be worth the wait, I promise.

Anyway, Peace out
God bless

girl in the single lane