it's ok to feel sad
Sometimes, I wonder, is it ok to be sad. I mean I have Christ to live for, and for that I should be happy and be joyful, and I am, don't be mislead here. Being a follower of Him is amazing, I couldn't even begin to describe the peace I have with Him. Things in this world though, will get you down, that's for sure, but it is how you deal with these difficult situations that helps you deal with your feelings.
Death is a comma, not a fullstop.
Without suffering there would be no compassion, I know, tell that to those who suffer right? Saddness can affect everything that you do, in fact, it most likely will. Try not let your mind be completely occupied with your sad thoughts, although this is easier said than done. You have to ask yourself, why are you feeling sad? Is it because of suffering that someone else is giong through, or are you just sad because you feel alone? You are never alone!Christ will always be with you no matter where you go!
smile because Jesus, the maker of heaven and earth who gave you life, loves you so much!!
girl in the single lane
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