How are you all?? It’s been a while since my last blog, I know…sorry Paul!!
Looking back to my previous few blogs, I must apologise for my harsh tone. I guess sometimes we try so hard to convince ourselves that everything is ok, when truth be told, it may not be. Travelling in the single lane does have its benefits by the way, it isn’t all bad. Not that I am an expert, I am not, by no means. I just write what I know, from my own life.
So, after following this diversion sign, for what felt like the longest time ever, God showed me a cut off. Better than that, He showed me a few. After leaving University after completing my degree in January, I considered many options, teaching maths (the love of my life), doing career guidance, care work, and payroll. So I applied for University, and jobs left, right and centre. I got 3 interviews, Yuk!! Two for jobs, and one for University, to do career guidance. After not getting the first job, I was frustrated, to be honest, not understanding why I didn’t get it. However, God is good, and I was successful in my other two interviews, which presented more problems. Here I was driving around this roundabout for ages, and now God had shown me 2 exits.
After a long time spent in prayer, I was still none the wiser, so I went to job, Care worker. Though I’d try it for a week, and see if God was telling me anything. I hated it, didn’t know anything about Dementia, and wanted to go back to University. But going back to University was the easy option, not necessarily the right one. After watching a DVD at church that night, it was made clear to me take the job.
Four months later, I love this job, more than I ever thought I would. It still amazes me that my creator knows me better that I know myself. He is teaching me so much in the job, about His grace and Compassion, and He reminds me daily, that He loves these people. Even though sometimes they bug me, annoy me, kick me till I’m black and blue…God still loves them and so do I.
As for my “single life”, still there, but that’s ok. I am very stubborn in that. This guy I met through work likes me. He’s a great guy, don’t get me wrong, and we have a lot in common, but there is 1 thing we disagree on, which has prevented this developing beyond friendship. We have different views on God, I see Him as my saviour and Father, and this guy wants nothing to do with him. Each to their own. If there’s one thing I learned at school it’s this, you cannot force your religion onto others.
So, yeh I’m still single, loving my job and Christ, and life is good. I can’t complain really can I?
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