staying pure in a dirty world
how are you all today?? As I was preparing a bible study last night, I started thinking about the difficulties of staying pure in today's society. I mean, nowadays, it is so cool to sleep around and wear belts and calling them skirts. Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable about this? Unlikely. We live in a world that teaches us, to strive to fit in with the "cool" people, and to follow the poor example set by our celebs. Some role models!!
Skinny is in, they say, but what they actually mean, is if you ain't a size 8, you're ugly and not cool. How shallow!!
It doesn't matter what you look like, or how modestly you dress (the more modest, the better if you ask me) or what your waist size is, when you find the one you are supposed to be with, they will love you for you. They will love everything about you, your waist size, your fashion, your personality...everything! That's what true love is!
The media has polluted our minds into thinking we have to be skinny to be beautiful, well news flash, everyone is beautiful, because my God, doesn't make junk! He made us all, fearfully and wonderfully!!
But how does one keep oneself pure? Well, one has to seek God for guidence and help. But you can o some basic things, like, dress modestly, (what right do you have to cause your brother to sin?) set barriers that cannot be moved, when in a relationship, and use your head.
girl in the single lane
At 7:04 PM,
Portrait of Peter said…
I do agree with your comments, and your title is without doubt - one in which I often feel is a sad world in which we live in.
Celebrities who often have children when they are single and the partner is no longer on the scene.
Depressingly society and in particular young girls often try to emulate their heroes including having a baby - the harsh reality only later sets in when they do not have the financial status or a loving partner to assist in the upbringing of the poor baby.
Fashion statements reflect on today's society and the concerns of Anorexia Nervosa is increasingly headline news with teenagers.
I totally agree that media and its pollution of the mind is quilty of the effects on society and young people. The way one dresses - should be about themselves with decency and moderation and most importantly respect for themselves - is a mature approach throughout the teenage years.
Being honest, caring and decent are the character that society should espire too.
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