Great is He, who is my strength
Hey bloggers!
Girl in the single lane, still in the single lane and life is going good. It’s been such a long time since I’ve said that, and actually meant it.
One thing I have learned recently…not learned for the first time, but I guess I was just reminded of this. God’s will is perfect, and friends are important.
I recently attended an event that I honestly did not wish to attend. However, I had an obligation to go, as I had said to a friend I would be there, and therefore made that commitment. So, “what magical thing happened?” I hear you asking, is that right?? Well, actually, something magical did happen.
There was a very special, unique friend of mine there. He is truly one of a kind, and is beautiful beyond description. He told me that He would never leave me, and that everything that happens in my life, happens for a reason. He told me that everybody I talk to, every conversation I have…all means something to someone.
Recently, things have not been great for me for a number of reasons…but He made me see that other things are so much more important than University, and lecturers and other professionals involved in aiding my learning. There is more to life than tears and heartache, and sorrow and failure.
I’ll let you in on a little secret…this amazing friend of mine, loves you!!! Yes you heard me, He loves you!! Who is this amazing character that I speak of? God the Father!! He showed me His abounding love through many people that I met at this event…people is the wrong word…friends. Friends that I didn’t expect to see there, or share fellowship with, changed the whole night for me.
So there I was, surrounded by an ocean of believers, recognising only a few faces, and still feeling completely out of place. In the duration of the night, my feelings had completely changed. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many happy, cheery, friendly people all together in one room before. And not only that, but some of these people actually wanted to share in fellowship with me, and better still, some of them wanted to pray for the CU that I am involved in. How amazing is that? I’d never met more than half of these people, and they still wanted to hear all about my CU and offer prayer and support. I realised how lucky I am that night.
We as a body of Christians need to stick together and support each other. God is the ultimate support I’m not denying that. He is great, and is my strength when I am weak…which happens a lot let me tell you. But He also brings other believers into our lives, He allows these paths to cross for a reason: for fellowship!
To all who were there at the event mentioned throughout this, thank you so much.
peace girl in the single lane
When it’s gone, it’s gone!
Hey bloggers!
Just me, checkin’ in with y’all. It’s been a wee while I know, had a lot on my mind lately with course work and such. Something that has been on my mind recently that does not relate to course work is this…when it’s gone, you’ve lost it.
Big yellow taxi…come on, sing along
“Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone, I paid paradise to put up a parking lot.”
How true is that? I can relate this to myself, and I’m sure thousands of people out there can do the same. As I’ve told you all before, when I ended things with my ex partner, I lost one of my best friends that day. And our friendship has never been the same since. That is something I have to live with, because it was me who ended it, and it was me who cut off all contacts.
I woke up this morning, and feel over a box of old photos. Some fun memories were brought back, as I searched through these photos in a hunt for some old embarrassing pictures of my parents. It was not long until my mission was accomplished. There were photos from when my parents were engaged, through to being part of a family with three children…my family.
In my hunt, I stumbled across some old holiday photos, and yes, you’ve guessed it…I found pictures of my ex and his family at the dinner table. “This is so crazy” I said to myself. It’s funny looking back now, because when these very pictures were taken, it was that summer that I realised I like this guy. I was reminded of the fun games we played that summer, from football, to volleyball and table tennis, and of course Uno. Who can forget that. I remember playing football with him and the lads, only the once though…the guys didn’t like female players. However, when we did play this one game together…he was the only guy to ever pass me the ball. I’ll never forget that.
During these crazy summers, I went through a hat phase. I’m embarrassed to say, but yes…I had loads of hats, all different shapes and colours. That summer he bought a hat that was the same style as mine, the same brand, but was a different colour. I think I actually stole it for a game of something (dangerous flirting I know)….and he actual said I could keep it. Ok ok ok…so there was flirting on both parts, I see that now.
We had a great friendship, we really did. I told him EVERYTHING!! There are not a lot of people out there who know everything about, but he did. We laughed, cried and made jokes, we argued and cuddled and went for walks together. We were close friends and then partners.
Part me didn’t realise that when I broke up with him, all of the above to gradually disappear, and never happen again. But the harsh reality is that I lost all of that, that fateful day. I still have my memories though…and I will carry them with me everywhere I go. Every time I see a Virgin train, I think of him. I used to get that train to go visit him. I bet some of you are thinking, “yeh, but how often do you see a Virgin train?”. Good question. I see them twice a day on my way to University…so that’s four times a week currently.
If you ever read this, my ex…I realise now what I lost when I said goodbye. I’m sorry it took that harsh break-up and two years of reflection, to show me what a great friendship we shared.
People, please try and appreciate those who are in your life right now. It’s a shame but the song is so true…you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.
peacegirl in the single lane