What do you do when everyone around you are “coupling off”, except you?
Hey bloggers!
How y’all doing? Someone said to me recently, that a group of Christian friends went away together for a weekend. And I quote “everybody came back with someone”…everyone came back with a boyfriend/girlfriend…how wise it that? I don’t know, but one thing I do know, I know what it feels like to be single. I have been single for 672 days, and still going strong. It isn’t easy by no means, but I’m still here…and why? Some of you may ask.
Is it because no-one wants me? Well…partly, but I’m ok with that. I don’t want a boyfriend right now, nor am I ready to have a guy in my life like that.
Is it because I like being single? Again…partly. It’s not always easy, but the more time I’ve got in the single lane, the more time I’ve got to get to know God personally. Not only that, as I get to know Him and grow like Him, then I am being crafted into a wife, and He is preparing me for marriage. I am no where near there yet, I’m only 20 years old, but I’m heading in that direction.
As I wait for a man who is Christ-like, with so many Christ-like qualities, I myself, need to become Christ-like, and possess these qualities too. I have to stop and think
What am I waiting for? As I think about certain characteristics that I imagine my husband to have, I am faced with the image of Christ. So then…what is my husband waiting for? A woman who is Christ-like, and possesses Christ-like qualities.
My advise, use your time in the single lane wisely. Grow like Christ and draw closer to Him. In doing so, He is making you the wife/husband, He wants you to be. How exciting. So you know what, don’t rush it. Wait on the Lord and remember, His plan for you, is perfect.
peacegirl in the single lane
Ephesians 5: 22-28
hey all you bloggers out there! Just be checking in, letting y'all know I'm still alive!Power is something a lot of people struggle with isn’t it?
At the bible study I attend regularly, we discussed in passing, the significance of man being the head of the house as Jesus is the head of the church. It would appear that some women don’t like the thought of man having any authority over them, in any way shape or form. I on the other hand, like the idea of having man have authority over me, as Christ has over the church.
“ Wives submit to you own husbands, so to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Saviour of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husband in everything. Husbands, love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot r wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself.”
I feel I need to add in the last part of this sentence, because so many women assume that when you submit to your husband, giving him his right place in the home, means to let your husband walk all over you. That’s not true at all. Women, men who abuse their position in the home, are out there, I’m not going to deny it…but if you marry the person God has for you, then I have faith, that this wouldn’t happen.
Husbands love your wives as Christ loves the church…who what not want that? Honestly, what woman out there would not want to be loved like that? Isn’t that exciting when you think about it like that? That one human out there will love you as Christ loves the church. Wow…where do I sign up? Wives submit to your husbands, as to the Lord…that’s going to be some task, I doubt it will always be easy. But hey…that’s part of the fun isn’t it? Marriage is not a smooth operation people, it will have it’s up’s and down’s, as anything relationship does.
But with God all things are possible. Just because tow people disagree on something small, it doesn’t mean that they don’t love each other anymore…marriage is all about compromise. I can’t sit here and tell you everything about marriage, because I’m single. I don’t know much about married life…but it’s something I look forward too…that’s for sure.peacegirl in the single lane
think before you act
Hey all you bloggers out there!
Last week, I asked for help on finishing my last entry, because I didn’t know how to end it. Partly because this situation it still kind of on-going and therefore has not come to a natural end, making it difficult to predict how it will end. After a comment from a good friend, I realized a few things. Firstly people, if you think you like a fellow believer, then that’s cool! But if every time you approach this person to talk to them or whatever, you think about how lovely he is (to look at) and how much you like him, then yeh, of course nerves could get the better of you. But…if you like a brother/sister in the Lord, then start treating them as such. These butterflies might not go away straight away, but that’s ok. You’ll learn to control them, instead of them controlling you. If you think “he’s my brother” your feelings might not end, but that’s ok too. Treat him like a brother though, and show him how sisterly you can be. This is a great foundation for a solid friendship in Christ.
Secondly, if you get to know someone because you think “he’s the one” and he meets someone else…what is the foundation for your friendship with him? Chances are, if your friendship is based on “maybe’s” then, the friendship could come to a sudden end. Sadly this does happen, I’ve been there myself, and it’s not pleasant. Lastly, something that another good friend said to me this week, which made me see things and I completely different way. If you like someone, and start a relationship with him, without seeking God, this could be disastrous. If you both believe in yourselves that God wants to get married some day, and enter a relationship without seeking God, what do you think the outcome will be? Say you guys break up, and you discover that this wasn’t what God wanted for either of you, but that He has someone special for both of you…do you know what you have just done? Not only have you added another name to your list of ex’s and people who have a piece of your heart, but you have just been involved with someone else’s husband. Yeh that’s right you heard me. If God’s plan is for you BOTH to get married, to other people, then he is not your husband, but someone else’s. So please, for the sake of you fellow brothers and sisters, don’t enter into a relationship lightly and please please seek God’s guidance first. Girls, put yourself in this Jeans shoes:
You meet a great guy and think he could be the one. So you automatically ask him (Bob) out. Before you realize it, things move a little fast for both of you, and things don’t seem to be going so well anymore. Why you ask yourself? I don’t understand, you said to him repeatedly. Things come to a sudden end, and your friendship with Bob is over. Your heart breaks. Five years later, Jean meets Bob at a Christian event. They start to get to know each other as siblings in Christ. A year later, God reveals to Bob, that Jean is to be his bride. Jean and Bob spend a long night talking about past relationship. Jean doesn’t have much to say, as she has never dated anyone…sadly this is not the same for Bob. Bob begins to tell Jean about you…her heart breaks. She was so hurt that she had waited for him, and he had been with someone else, she didn’t understand why this could happen. Bob cries as he seeks Jean’s forgiveness…this feels like the longest night for Bob.
Think about itpeacegirl in the single lane
Do actions speak louder than words?
hey all
What do you do when the person you think you like, won’t give you the time of day? In fact, every time you see him, your eyes seem to meet across the room. As the night move on, if appears that your eyes and his, are glued to each others. You don’t talk to him because, every time you’re around him, butterflies in their millions make you so nervous, that when you open your mouth, nothing comes out.
You think he doesn’t like you, so what can you do? He chooses not to talk to you, when all you want to do is say hello. Do you back off? Lets just say that you do. You back off, you stop texting and emailing him, and you avoid going to places you know he’ll be. Things are going great, you’ve hardly thought about him…but wait. You turn up to an event, forgetting all about him. You walk into the overly crowded room, and you glanced the room for a familiar face. He is the first person you set eyes on.
Yikes! “He probably won’t even remember who I am” you say to yourself. He does. History repeats itself, as your eyes become fixed to each others again, another long night, and not one word exchanged. Because you know that he is there, you’re constantly looking for him, to find out where he’s at…so that you can casually bump into him. Is he doing the same? As he wanders around you, talking to various people, but doesn’t come over to talk to you. Does he like you?
Unrealistic? Some would say yeh, like it was something from a cheesy chick flick, but actually, this happened to me. Did he like me? I don’t know, I don’t think I ever will, but I will leave that up to y’all. Words, clearly say no, obviously, like “hello how stupid can you get?” and I would say his actions back that up. Although many would disagree, what do you think? Do actions speak louder than words? I know a picture is worth a thousand words, what is a constant stare worth?
Let me know what you al think, so I’m totally lost here.peacegirl in the single lane