I don’t know
Hey bloggers….it has been a while I know and for that, I apologise. My reason for my lack of entries over the past few months, is not a happy reason. I have made some life changing decisions over the past few months, and I still have a few to make…it’s frustrating.
This blog is called, “I don’t know” and the simple reason, I don’t know anything. That is one thing I have learned over the past few months. Here is a few things I do know, I know what day it is, how much everything in McDonalds costs, I know who created this beautiful world, I know He loves me. I know random math equations, I know all about Pavlov’s theory; I know my way around
I don’t know why I went to University for three years, to have my position terminated, I don’t know what I am going to do with the rest of my life. I don’t know what kind of job I will have, I don’t know what modules I need to pick for this September, I don’t know where I’m supposed to me. I don’t know my future: distant or near…I don’t know anything. I don’t know if I’ll ever meet someone, if I’ll ever get married and have a family, I don’t know if I’ll ever move away from Glasgow, I don’t know if I will live beyond my 21st birthday….I don’t know anything.
I wish I could sit here and tell you that I don’t worry about the unknown, but I do. I didn’t have any concerns about what modules to pick, until I saw my options…now I just don’t know. What I do know, is that my future is in hands much greater than mine, and I have to trust God to make the right decisions, and to guide me to do the same. I know His plan is perfect, I don’t know what His plan is, but I know it’s perfect.
I don’t know what else to say
girl in the single lane