Two years of being single

Single for two years eh? When, I tell people that, some say, “poor you, what a lonely two years” and some say, “congratulations”. What do I say? Singleness is not an achievement so to speak, but a way of life. It hasn’t been an easy two years though, and has had many up’s and down’s.
After a painful break-up two years ago, someone wise told me how I would identify my husband. Was it a word from God, voiced through this man? Possibly. This is what he said. My husband will carry a bible under his arm, everywhere he goes…that is how I will know him. Was that literal or metaphorical? Who knows…but one is for sure. He will be grounded in the word of God.
A dear friend said to me, just the other day “you will know when you’ve met your husband. You’ll just know.” (Shout out to Kimi)
Do I know? No! Does that mean I have not met him? Well, maybe, but maybe not. If what this wise man said, was literal, than I have met but one guy who carried a bible under his arm, and since that day I saw him, our paths have not crossed again.
Trying to sum up the past two years of my life in one entry, is impossible. I’ve written about my life over the past 10 months in some 80 entries, so if you have any desire to know, then feel free to read them.
One thing I have learned over the past two years is this. Let go of your past and the things that are completely out of your control. What’s done is done, and you can’t change the past. Believe it or not, time machines don’t exist. So, you can’t change the past no, but you can use it to direct your future.
At 2:12 PM,
Portrait of Peter said…
Perhaps the past - can be a barrier to our future?
Your heartfelt words of expression and meaning - do leave a cord for all who read your blog.
May the following quotation - at least leave you with a smile:
“Honest men marry quickly but clever ones never”.
(M. de Cervantes)
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