Belle of the ball vs the ugly step sister
How are we all this fine day? Is this strange? A nineteen year old single Christian girl creating a blog? I didn’t think so until yesterday when a good friend made a comment that got me thinking. I am not going to stop this anytime soon, I benefit a lot from it even if no one else does. Is it too deep? I say I am very guarded and don’t let people in, and come on here and spill out my heart and soul…but the difference is…I don’t know who reads this. I don’t know who finds out how I am really feeling. And that doesn’t bother me, because if I don’t know, then they can’t judge me.
Belle of the ball me? I laughed so much when my friend said I would be belle of the ball. I’m more likely to be the ugly step sister, but that’s ok. I aint going to pretend to be something I’m not, I’m going to have a good time. Belle of the ball aint who I am…I have to say, I have deliberately not posted any pictures of me on this because I aint that pretty. I’m ok with that, I have to be, and I’ve lived with being the ugly duckling my whole life. You learn to get used to it. I have a very low self-esteem too in case you have not yet picked up on that, but I get by.
I know in these films that are out there, when the geek does her hair and make-up she actually is a really beautiful girl…but the reality is…I’m not. I’m just that little geek who is full of personality. That’s what I’m known for. My older sister got the brains and the good figure, my twin got the looks and jokes….and me…well I got personality. Go me!!
girl in the single lane
At 3:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
You are a twat (in the nicest possible way!)
You are beautiful, so shush
I said so, therefore it's proven
At 4:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
You can't say that you aren't pretty because that isn't true and it certainly isn't what God thinks of you and its the last he would want to hear from your lips. He created you and well to take your own words i have known you to use. "My God doesn't make trash" Do you believe that statement? And yes this next bit is my opinion but I believe you to be pretty and your future husband would no doubt think the same whoever it may be! I really just feel this is something God wants you to let go of, he has more for you than this!
God Bless
At 10:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
You are not ugly, please don't think you are. And I have to ask, what is wrong with being full of personality? at least you have one, a very beautfiul one which matches your beautiful smile.
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